From previous posts, you may recall that we're supportive of the campaign to free Tibet from China's oppressive and atrocious occupation.

In addition to its continuing genocidal persecution of Tibetans who remain faithful to the teachings and (spiritual) leadership of exiled Dalai Lama, Chinese authorities are also perpetrating "ecocide" or the reckless and systematic destruction of Tibet's natural environment. Given that Tibetans have (for several centuries) advocated being ecologically responsible — and have warned of the price for failing to do so — it is fitting that China is now beginning to suffer the consequences since it (and several other neighboring countries) is so highly dependant upon the rivers of Tibet.

So it is encouraging, that despite all of the atrocities inflicted upon Tibet's people and environment, efforts are being made to ensure that its culture will live on — digitally. Tibetans living in exile, in partnership with others worldwide, have a number of massive projects underway to digitize manuscripts that represent the unique Tibetan cultural heritage. Glyn Moody sums up this noble endeavor eloquently in a recent post on his Open... blog:
[...]The world of bits offers a partial counterbalance to some of the terrible losses taking place in the world of atoms."
